Saturday, April 24, 2010

"InciviliTEAS" or the United States of America?

From the mouths of right wingers including members of Congress, TV talking heads, radio talk show hosts, and the likes of Sarah Palin, Micheal Baronne, Mark Williams and the Tea Party members at large we are barraged with near-seditious slanders of our President and Federal Government. If this were to have occurred during WW II those uttering the virulence and inciting, inflammatory words would probably have been incarcerated for sedition or treason. But, instead President Obama and our Federal government shrugs and allow the hate to spew out as mere "inciviliTEAS" that are allowed under the First Amendment of our Constitution. A recent poll by the NY Times suggests that the Tea Party and their supporters, that comprises about 18% of the USA population (approximately 55 million people), are mainly educated, older, and wealthier Republican citizens who are seemingly dissatisfied with their economic status and want even more possessions to gloat over. Their tactics consist of carrying placards that depict our President as a shadow Hitlerian dictator and Communist combined. Other Tea Party members claim that our President is a foreign disciple-born agent attempting to destroy democracy. Michael Barrone compared President Obama to Al Capone, while Congresswomen Bachman from Minnesota says that President Obama may be "anti-American".

Seems to me that the right wing Tea Party that has captured the Republican Party (or vise versa) and is promoting dissent and the destruction of our government under President Obama's administration (that was elected by democratic vote). They, The Republican Tea Party, are opposed to anything and everything that the Democrats and President Obama proposes regardless of the benifits bestowed upon the American people. Their total and blind opposition creates a war-like resistance that resmbles a seperate country battling the USA for dominance. The Republican Tea Party apparently cannot oppose policies without vitriolic and hateful actions and words. They are caught in a spiral of self-destruction that will ensnare innocent bystanders just as in real war. Why can't the political leaders of the Republican Tea Party recognize their acts and words for what they are--blind allegianace to emotionally ignited slogans that serves only one purpose? That purpose is to cause fear and hate among the citizens of our country that is entwined with racial bigotry and whie supeiority to foster their control of our goverbment.

If our country were originally founded under such hysteria the result would have been another monarchy or a dictatorsip instead of the creation of the world's first Constitutional Republic. For more than two and one half centuries our form of government has become the model for most third world countries and has become the basis of governments in the very axis countries that we helped defeat in WW II. Yet, the Republican Tea Party would rather destroy our Democratic Constitutional Republic that allows every citizen a vote, and would instead gut the very democracy that they pretend to defend. Bigotry and white superiority has never been the foundation for democracy any more than bigotry and black superiority. Genocide in Africa or Nazi Germany is genocide. If the Republican Tea Party is now marching along the path that other genocidal political parties have marched they must be stopped now.If they are not consciuosly so doing they must be awakened and stop themselves.

If the recent action that Arizona took to stop illegal immigration in Arizona is an example of Republican Tea Party actions to eliminate "undesireables" we are beginning on the same path that the Nazis started when they began to eliminate "undesireables" in Germany and then attempted to obliterate all jews and others opposing Hitler. That ignited WW II. A very small hate-motivated Nazi movement soon engulfed the world and resulted in the most destructive war in the history of the world. The seeds of hate spread from Nazi Germany who allied with other nations that created the German, Italian, and Japanese alliance that attempted to control the world. Our country along with embatteled European countries and China soon recognized the need to coloborate and stop the Nazi movement. The allies prevailed and our form of government survived and spread to those nations that were defeated. We helped the former enemies recover so that our world might avoid another catashrophic world war. So far WW, III has been avoided though world geo-political instabilities are plentiful and precarious. Some of the dangers are beyond our control or influence, while others can be mediated or stopped and the dangers reduced. The Republica Tea Party represents an inciteful danger now, but can erupt and become an unquechable fuse if not stopped soon. The leaders of the Republican Tea Party must stop their volatile rhetotic and return to sensible dialogue if we are to avoid a movement that could ignite WW III just as the seemingly "insignificant incivilities" in Hitler's Nazi Germany spurred the hate-driven horrors of WW II. Will the Reublican Tea Part stop their "inciviliTeas" or continue to march along the path of hate-driven rhetoric and violence? Our country's future and world's democracy is at stake. The outcome is uncertain but there is time to stop the movement to self destruction and return to the Constitutional Republic that are Founders established, based upon rational dialogue and compromise that unified the original 13 Colonies and created the United States of America. We showed the world what a democratic country was capable of in the last presidential election. Let's show them again how a democratic republic can function without hateful rhetoric and incitement of violence.

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