Many of us witnessed tearey-eyed Speaker of the House Boehner mumble about all the little American children he worried about in their quest for the "American Dream" The tears were real as `were the emotions that drove them, but neither tears nor emotions suffice, and in fact betray Congressman Boehner's actions that deprive little American children from taking their first step toward that American Dream. Unless, Congressman Boehner,is tearing up because he is schizophrenic and unable to distinguish hope from despair, joy from sadness, some inherited physiological neural response, or he is totally muddled in his thought. Whatever the reason this display is the epitome of arrogance and indifference based upon his recent NO vote in congress against the "911 Medical Health Care Bill" for the Twin Tower workers who have since become chronically ill and disabled from exposure to toxic dusts, fumes, and other direct causes. Many thousands of the over 100,000 workers who voluntarily tried to save survivors under conditions that duplicated war devastation at its worst. Many died attempting to save others. The final death toll directly caused by the terrorist action was about 3,000 men, women, and children. The real final death toll will include the many thousands of our military personnel who have already perished in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the tens of thousands of civilians workers whose lives will have been shortened as a result of toxic dust and chemical exposure during their brave efforts to save lives as skyscrapers toppled and giant jet aircraft exploded spewing death amongst the innocent people below.
When a Democratic bill in Congress finally was presented in the House of Representatives in September 2010 to fund long-term care for the innocent workers who have become sickened, Mr. Boehner was amongst 140 other Republicans (17 Republicans also voted for the bill) who voted NO, claiming that 7.4 billion dollars was more than we could afford. The House of Representatives, because of the Democratic majority passed the bill and sent it to the Senate. The Senate under their rules (not laws) can prevent a vote on any bill by claiming a cloture vote and if sustained by a minority of 41 out of 100 Senators the bill can be set aside and not even voted on. The Republicans in the Senate did so and the vote to fund long term medical care for the brave 911 workers and their families was killed.
Possibly Congressman Boenher shed tears for all the good he and the great majority of Republican Congress members did to help the thousands of ill and suffering 911 workers recover and help their families live more normal lives.
Our country has spent well over one trillion dollars on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and tens of thousands have been maimed and over 5,000 killed in combat. Yet the very terrorist action that sparked President Bush to declare two wars is forgotten, except for 911 memorial, attended by brain-dead Republicans and Democrats alike.
Wake up Americans. Speak out against the callous disregard the Republican's in Congress have for those 911 workers who unhesitatingly attempted to rescue survivors in the New York 911 War Zone.
Wake up America before the Republican led Congress continues to disregard and minimize the workers of America. The 911 workers dilemma is the beginning of what promises to be a protracted battle between callous indifference represented by the Republican Party and well meaning, but thus far mostly ineffectual actions, by the Democratic Party. The Democrats must awaken and act on behalf of the workers. Alternatively we must start a New Independent Party. The word FIGHT is not a dirty word. To all who care, do so by FIGHTING BACK against the unconscionable actions of the Republican Party, and shed no tears.
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
Monday, December 13, 2010
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The calm and reasoned approach that Boehmer projected on his 60 minute interview Sunday night, belies his base Anti-American biase.
Yes, perhaps we can't afford this bill, but can we afford NOT to thank the Americans that embody the American spirit? I think not.
Let us coninue to tax the 2% top earners with PART of the tax money which can pay for this issue. It is a shame, we Americans should be ashamed not to help these people in need due to their heroic actions.
Yes we should all be ashamed--enough to contact Cong. Boehner and tell him how wrong and callous he is.
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