Hip, Hip, Horay, the Republican/Tea Party Pledge to America is in gear and grinding up their first victims. The first to get chewed up in their "Pledge" to Americans are those who have been unemployed for 99 weeks. More than 2 million Americans are enduring this debilitating situation and the Republican/Tea Party powers in Congress respond to their plight by answering "too bad, no more unemployment insurance checks for you, your children, your spouse to help you and your family survive". The Republican/Tea Party have blocked a vote to even consider extension of unemployment benefits, let alone a vote on the bill to actually extend unemployment insurance itself.
More than two million Americans are the first to feel the brunt of their "A Pledge to America", that was the foundation of their Congressional campaign, and another 13 million unemployed Americans may face the same situation if they are unable to find a job during the coming year.We are witnessing the beginning of the meat grinder. The Republican/Tea Party members of Congress seem to relish their power to inflict harm on their fellow Americans.
These Americans are like you and me. They must have food and shelter. They must have heat to survive the winter cold. They must cope with illnesses, and have fresh, clean water to drink. Without the unemployment insurance checks these Americans will struggle to find the necessities to survive. Many will be unable to stay in their homes and will be forced to live on the streets or find charitable shelters. Many will become overwhelmed by depression and become suicidal. All this will happen because the Republican/Tea Party members of Congress who will block any legislation are now vowing to stop future unemployment checks because "we cannot afford them".
This despite the following words on the first page of "A Pledge to America": "America is an inspiration to those who yearn to be free and have the ability and the dignity to determine their own destiny". Of course the unemployed do not count since they are not inspired to be free, nor do they have the ability and dignity to determine their own destiny. They need food and shelter for themselves and their families and dignity does not supply food and shelter.
We cannot stand idly by and do nothing as millions of us suffer through no fault of theirs. Do not allow the Republican/Tea Party members of Congress to starve and deprive millions of American men, women, and children in the name of fiscal discipline. Speak up and tell these insolent, insensitive politicians to do the only right thing: help our citizens survive until they are able to find self-sustaining employment.Provide unemployment insurance checks to all in desperate need!
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
Thursday, December 02, 2010
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