Thursday, November 18, 2010

NPR versus Roger Aisles and FOX News, Destroyers of Free Speech and Democracy

Some of you probably listen to and watch NPR, the only nationwide non-commercial news media operation in the USA. Their reports are aired on National Public Radio stations in every state and relished by millions of radio, TV, and internet listeners and viewers for the variety of in depth discussions, and seldom discussed issues that their reporters and hosts regard as important. Since NPR is supported by our tax dollars and individual donations the reporters try to present calm and rational discussions of important issues. Their audience involvement allow diverse opinions to be voiced without challenge by the hosts. Sometimes the hosts favor one viewpoint or another but seldom, if ever, will they interject their personal opinions.

Since NPR was enabled in 1967 by Congressional legislation and is the only non-commercial media network in the USA to inform the public the fairest most non-partisan and complete coverage of cultural, scientific, political, environmental reporting available in the USA. We are very fortunate to have such an uncensored source of information and should treasure its existence. Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the enabling legislation in 1967 and Republican President Richard Nixon approved the organizational structure and original funding in 1970, both actions with virtually unanimous bi-partisan support. Federal taxes contribute about 15% of the funding and the remaining comes from public and private support.

With this history and background one might reasonably believe that NPR provides its widespread audience with intellectually stimulating conversations and unbiased information. Lately with the bitter rancor voiced by Republican/Tea Party members against the very existence of NPR we must be particularly diligent or the proverbial rug will be pulled out and NPR will collapse.

Roger Aisles the Chairman of the Board of FOX Network News have begun the attack against NPR, with the support of henchmen Limbaugh and Beck amongst others, to destroy NPR. Howard Kurtz a long time news commentator heard and recorded these words from Mr. Aisles in a recent interview (open the link above for more of the interview):

“They are (referring to NPR executives), of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don’t want any other point of view. They don’t even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda. They are basically Air America with government funding to keep them alive.”

This explosive and irrational attack on NPR by The Fox News Chairman clearly shows that Ailes and Fox News will try to eliminate NPR with an onslaught of lies and hateful rhetoric aimed at legislating NPR out of existence. With the new rabid Republican/Tea Party House of Representatives about to take control, they and Fox News will be on the warpath to end all funding and repeal enabling legislation to take NPR down, in the name of course of reducing spending. Their real purpose is to control and eliminate all contrary commentary whatever it source. Intimidation, incitement, hate, and fear are the tools funded by Roger Aisles and his boss Rupert Murdoch to eliminate all viewpoints but theirs in their conquest to dominate all media and political power.

As the USA opposed and helped defeat the Hitler led Nazi takeover of the world we must now all stand up and fight back against the apparent new Hitlers', Aisles and Murdoch, and their Fox News subordinates in their attempt to eliminate the only non commercial network in America, NPR. Roger Aisles cannot be allowed to prevail. Fight back now--support NPR. Support democracy, and your liberty in our country that is now threatened by those who claim to be protectors of our Democratic Republic and who are in fact
Destroyers of Free Speech and Democracy


Alexandra said...

I don't think NPR will disappear, but you are right that newly elected idiots will do their darnedest and that we need to offer the station our support. I am horrified by the extent of Fox News's influence and by the fact regular people do not realize Fox News spreads lies.

Anonymous said...


We have been listening to Never Provoke Republicans (NPR) radio for over a few years now. The right fringe has long ago got them believing that the present NPR right-wing spew in nothing but way too liberal biased clap-trap. And while NPR, and Won't Provoke Republicans, WPR, cower at being called extreme liberals, they'll just keep bending over farther to the right and taking another one for the ole gipper. Already a lost cause, save your donation for something else.


Anonymous said...

Better than trying to fight an already lost MSM named NPR and its affiliates, have a look at Senate Bill 510. No on can grow food to feed their family, save seeds, or transport food without federal authority and likely associated fees.


Unknown said...

Impartiality is necessary and all guest must be required to state their political and business affiliations.

SB 510 will never be enforced against small farms and home gardeners. There are not enough government enforcers to do the job. Further any attempt to would cause a backlash that would sink all local politicians who favored the bill.