Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We are all aware of the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY. No longer the party of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, or Ronald Regan it is now the party commandeered by Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, and Rush Limbaugh. This leadership quartet leads the regular ranks of virtually all OLD REPUBLICAN Congressional members and phalanx of citizens who now call themselves the TEA PARTY. Imagine this assembly orchestrated by Rush Limbaugh and his conductor-like arm waving rallying against the British Army and Navy during our Revolutionary War against the Colonial Empire, Great Britain. Whoa Nelly, dare I mention the word “Colonial Empire”? Could the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY possibly be pro-colonial?

Newt Gingrich, the ex-Speaker of the House called President Obama a “Kenyan , anti-colonial”. Like all of the countries in the African continent, the country now called Kenya was subject to colonial occupations by many countries that possessed ships capable of circumnavigation of the Earths’ oceans. The once great British Navy enabled The Royal Kingdom of Great Britain to colonize much of Africa as they did in what is now the United States of America, Canada, and many other regions of Earth.

The colonists in America eventually rebelled against Great Britain, declared independence, and then fought a bloody 8-year war against the Kingdom of Great Britain that ended in 1783. The thirteen individual British colonies became “anti-colonial” and after failing to be granted independence fought against the seemingly overwhelming forces of the Kingdom of Great Britain, led by General George Washington. As we know, George Washington became our First president in 1789 after our constitution was ratified by the 13 former British colonies that then became the first 13 states of a new country, The United States of America. Our country was born because of intense “anti-colonial” feelings against the most aggressive colonizer in modern history, the Kingdom of Great Britain.They fought because they believed that their freedom from colonial domination was worth risking life and limb for.

Likewise, the African country of Kenya was a colony under the control of the Kingdom of Great Britain. For more than two centuries, the country now known as Kenya was servile to Great Britain and other colonial interests as well. Finally, in 1963 under the leadership of George Washington’s counterpart, Kenyatta, Kenya became an independent country, freeing itself from the colonial control of Great Britain, just as our country had been liberated from the same colonial power nearly two centuries earlier. Kenyatta, who led the last effort for freedom from colonial dominance, was elected as Kenya’s first president just as Washington was in our country. The country of Kenya was named after the last liberator, something George Washington was not granted. Perhaps had it been we might be more cognizant of our anti-colonial roots.

Now let us return to Newt Gingrich’s speech on behalf of the New Republican Party stalwarts and the Tea Party compatriots. Gingrich further stated that as a result of his (President Obama’s) “Kenyan, anti-colonial the he (Obama) was “out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president”. Gingrich went on to voice the New Republican Party mantra as follows: “I think that Obama gets up every morning with a worldview that is fundamentally wrong about reality. If you look at the continuous denial of reality, there has got to be a point where someone stands up and says that this is factually insane.”

Thank you for the invitation Mr. Gingrich. Everything that you spoke on behalf of the New Republican Party (or "NEWT" REPUBLICAN PARTY) is factually insane! Had we followed your apparent support of British colonialism our country would still be a collection of colonies governed by the Kingdom of Great Britain. On second thought that would probably suit your ambitions very nicely, Royal Highness!

Why are so many voters in the USA swallowing the “factually insane” ramblings of the NEWT REPUBLICAN PARTY? Is there mass amnesia? Vote sanely this November to preserve our Declaration of Independence and Constitution against future colonial-type domination. Vote against every NEW REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE or any other party candidate who support NEWT’S beliefs, unless you want future colonial rule, so that you may affirm your allegiance to King Newt and his Royal Court.

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