Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the Corporate Take Over--Wake up America!

Thanks are due to the U.S. Supreme Court for elevating our status as individual citizens under our Constitution. We are now corporations as well as citizens, just as corporations are now people and allowed to spread their beliefs as free speech under the orders of corporate executives who use the stockholders money to spread their word! Welcome to the world of Alice in Wonderland where everything is just as you are able to imagine. Just imagine yourself as a corporate CEO telling your underlings to march in unison, high stepping to his or her commands to spread the corporate mantra: hail to the corporation, the all mighty!! The CEO charges forth with his hirelings, under threat of being fired, to spread the gospel of the corporation who knows what we need and desire, for money of course.

We must all rejoice, for now the corporations, unions, and other business entities and organizations and groups are indeed given all the rights that our Constitution confers on "we the people", than we have as individuals, and that all all corporate entities have now as a result of the Supreme Court edict, including tax deductions for all costs. WOW!! What a bonanza. We should all be thankful for the sudden enrichment, ALL of our expenses are now TAX DEDUCTIBLE, just as for Corporations!

If Thomas Jefferson were here today his writing of The Declaration of Independence that started our country on the pathway to independence from the English Monarchy and its Royal orders would now be rewritten as follows: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all Corporations are created equal that they are endowed by the Supreme Court, their ultimate creator, with certain unalienable rights; the unlimited pursuit of power, the use of unlimited tax-free expenditures to obtain their purposes, and their unhindered right to pursue their purposes to maximize profits regardless of the consequences on society at large and any single individual. Corporations shall have all the rights previously bestowed to citizens. Corporations must be obeyed as is self evident. All individual citizens must adhere to the law of the Supreme Court and Corporate Policies. "

We citizens of the USA are indeed fortunate to be directed by such an esteemed Supreme Court and the presidents who selected the 5 justices who just bestowed upon us the privileges of Corporations. So what if corporations are now about to completely rule our country. They have nearly been anyway! Are we in a perpetual swirl with Alice? Are we all sleepwalking? Wake up America before it is too late!

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