Saturday, October 08, 2005

To Clone Or Not To Clone?

Perhaps the most controversial issue facing mankind in the future if not now is the role of animal cloning and the limitations imposed by governments as well as the unbridled desire of some to create a super race. The use of therapeutic cloning of human blastocysts (precursors of human embryos consisting of about 150 cells) has stirred hostile political debate in Wisconsin where some of the pioneering work in stem cell research began and is still progressing at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. The Federal government curiously has just announced a grant to create a stem cell bank at the University of Wisconsin as the first repository in the world for stem cell lines to be used for research purposes. The stem cell lines of course will be those 22 lines approved by President Bush and that are the only ones permitted to be eligible for federal funding.
Nearly simultaneous with this announcement the Republican controlled state Assembly and Senate in Wisconsin voted to prohibit any human embryonic cloning even for therapeutic medical research. Governor Doyle has stated that he will veto the legislation.
While this paradox unfolds the Federal Food and Drug Administration released a ruling that would allow the use and sale of milk from cloned cows.Cloned hogs will also be permitted for consumption. This ruling is subject to public comment for a period of 60 days after which it may become official.
Apparently, the Bush Administration’s FDA has decided that cloning is legal to create cows for milking,and other animals for human consumption but not for the possible healing of human diseases and injuries? Do I miss the logic? Those who oppose human embryonic cloning, along with President Bush, seem to accept cloning of other animals for apparent commercial use and obviously the animals have no say so. We are obviously given government sanctions to manipulate all species of animal blastocytes except human.

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