A too prevalent disease has spread in our country afflicting people who should be immune. The disease that I refer to as "RomneyRyanItis" is spreading among susceptible citizens who accept lies and distortions uttered by the namesakes of the infliction as factual declarations. The reality is that virtually all of the so-called facts are not facts. They are bacterial and viral agents that infect individuals by implanting false ideas contrived to confuse and trap voters into believing lies. They attempt to accomplish this viral attack by spreading propaganda through 30 second sound bytes, internet, and TV ads paid for by billionaire supporters. They are trying to deceive hard working Americans who often barely get by on minimum wages or unlivable wages. Yet the RomneyRyanItis malady causes uninformed voters to believe that Romney and Ryan and the Republicans stand up for all working Americans and their needs regardless of income, Romney Republican candidate for President, openly stated at a private fund raising gathering that 47% of Americans are free-loaders, pay no taxes, and expect handouts and are literally parasites. I interpret the Romney statement to mean that he believes that nearly all but rich Americans are free loaders since all Americans benefit from our roads and highways, schools and libraries, drinking water, and railways,parks, and literally thousands of other benefits that our taxes pay for including Social Security and Medicare. Are we all free-loaders as Romney and Ryan and the Republican infer? Romney's distortions and lies disclose his true character as a money-crazed financial wizard whose sole aim in life is self-glorification and acquiring more MONEY. His claims and statements are riddled with lies and falsehoods intended to mislead American voters. This is the insidious disease of RomneyRyanItis. Fortunately this disease is curable and preventable by seeking truth and facts instead of lies and distortions uttered by Romney and Ryan.
For example, the 2009 IRS tax data accessible by anyone with a computer reveals different facts as follows:
1) Nearly 100 million working Americans and families have incomes that are from hard work for which they are paid about $12/hr or less, and they still pay FICA federal taxes for their future Social Security and Medicare coverage that amounts to 15.3% of their near poverty wages. In addition if they have phones or televisions they pay federal excise taxes and sales taxes for almost everything they buy including gasoline and oil , natural gas, propane, and electricity. Additionally, they must fork up fees for drivers licenses, federal taxes for booze and cigarettes. Those dependent upon Medicaid are effectively being charged for bed taxes that many states impose on nursing homes that Federal Taxes mainly pays for. Taxes on taxes are the norm for Republican red states or states that Republicans would like to turn red.
These one hundred million working poor Americans are classified as free loaders by those who are part of the 47% that RomnetRyanItis vilifies.. They are not free loaders as Romney/Ryan describes them. They are very hard working American who are simply trying their best to get by. Approximately 190 million additional Americans and their families live on incomes between about $25,000 and $100,000 annually. They often support elderly parents and other dependents including children, and they nearly all pay taxes including the 15.3% Federal Employment Tax and all other taxes. According to Romney many of these are also free loaders who don't pay taxes. These 290 million Americans and their families pay taxes and that is without question. The lies and distortions promulgated by RomneyRyanItis are vile and despicable characterizations of hard working Americans who do not deserve the demeaning smear given by the Republican candidates. Stop RomneyRyanItis in its tracks by seeking truth and then voting for those who are your advocates, not your defamers.
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
Saturday, September 22, 2012
"RomneyRyanItis"--A Preventable and Curable Malady
Republican lies,
vote Democrat
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