The actions of Republican Governors in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and other states against public workers' unions have enlightened and energized the working middle class in our country. Wisconsin's Democratic Senators and the mass demonstrations in Madison, WI, revealed that the Republican/Tea Party cares not a whit for the average American worker, and is totally beholden to their moneyed lobbyists and corporate supporters. Even our supposedly impartial Supreme Court minimized average people of our country when they ruled that a corporation has the same rights as an individual person as was granted by the First Amendment of our Constitution. The 5 to 4 decision by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Decision in January 2010 equated corporations to people and allows unlimited amounts of money to be given by corporations to their favored candidates or elected office holders, for political campaigns (my comment:to those legislators, administrators, and all candidates who were provided or have provided legislative favors, or put bluntly, handouts equal to bribes for legislative favors).
Today elections in the USA are decided by corporations who spend whatever they wish to elect someone (virtually always a Republican) who they know will vote for laws favoring Corporations, not primarily for laws benefiting the People of our Country. This type of attempted election rigging for political payoffs is now unabashedly escalating, and is not much different from so-called elections held in dictatorial countries that are controlled by a single Party--the Dictator's Party.
Last year the Wisconsin's Governor's election demonstrated how influential these anonymous "donations" enable vaguely identified political advertising on television and the internet to baffle and bewilder the voter into believing deceptions and downright lies. Republican Walker was the beneficiary of over 4 million dollars of these "anonymous" (probably form The Koch Brothers)donations and he was elected Governor, along with a controlling majority of Republican state legislators. The pay off worked and we now know the result. Walker and his gang of Legislators have run roughshod over Wisconsin's long standing union bargaining rights in an effort to unleash an anti-union movement wherever Republicans control including the US House of Representatives, and numerous other state legislators and Governorships.
The net result of this "Conspiracy-Like" (my opinion) decision by the five members of the Supreme Court who were appointed by Republican Presidents, will henceforth give Republican candidates the financial clout to dominate the TV screens and internet with their often untruthful sound bytes intended to sucker the unaware or uninformed voter into voting against their own interests. Unless, that is, you happen to be one of the Corporate Executive elite class, not one of the regular voters who can refuse to swallow the corporate bunk, and vote for peoples' legislators who are actually working to serve us, not corporations and their lobbyists, and wealthiest supporters.
Without question, the Supreme Court's ludicrous (my opinion) and devastating decision (also my opinion) has enabled Republican candidates in all legislative bodies and elected Administrative offices to rake in unlimited amounts of money in an attempt to buy any election they desire, and to eliminate all unions that are the main source of funding Democratic candidates for office. All this transpired when 5 Supreme Court Justices became convinced that our Constitution's First Amendment somehow meant that CORPORATIONS are people and Corporate Executives can spend corporate money to exercise FREE CORPORATE SPEECH, UNLIMITED . Henceforth, our Preamble should be modified to say "government by, of, and for Corporations, and the people they control" including all the rest of regular citizens". And the body of our Constitution must be amended to make clear that Corporations are unequivocally, People. This Supreme Court Decision and the surge of money that followed to embrace Republican ideology that supports Corporate Rights over People's Rights may, however, have backfired.
The Wisconsin Revolt we are witnessing was engendered by regular working people who have spontaneously awakened the vast majority of American to the true motives of the Republican Party, emboldened by Tea Party extremists who somehow now control the Republican Party. This popular awakening is akin to letting the Genie escape from the jar and expand so that it cannot return. We the people have started to realize that our Country's future must belong to all of our people.
The Republican/Tea Party/Corporation Party is a fossilized remnant of the Party of Abe Lincoln who said in one of his speeches; "I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal." These words are ringing in the ears of all people who have begun the "Peoples' Revolution". The genie will never slink back into its hiding place. Having awakened, our Country's People will prevail.
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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