On should believe that the Congress of the United States of America does the best job of secret intelligence administration and operation in the world. Both the Senate and House of Representative have Intelligence oversight committees to assure us that we do in fact operate all intelligence branches of government at the highest possible efficiency to secure our country against terrorist attacks and other possible attacks against tangible and intangible targets by unfriendly governments and groups. Since 911 we are told that we are always on the high alert against such potential attacks. The Intelligence Oversight Committees are responsible for monitoring and budgeting these activities.
We are all familiar with the implementation of airport security operations that include chemical sniffers, dogs, and imaging devices that disclose foreign objects that may be concealed anywhere on or in our bodies. We are perpetually under an Elevated Alert status according to the Intelligence Advisories, and must constantly be diligent against any suspicious activities. The Intelligence Committees are involved in establishing and monitoring these activities.
Our Federal government employs many tens of thousands of top secret agents and operatives throughout the world to attempt to intercept any information that might prevent a possible attack. Very advance detection and surveillance technology is part of their arsenal. The Congressional Intelligence Committees are involved in this also.
The House and Senate Intelligence Committees exercise vital roles in our Constitutional Republic. They provide civilian review and assessment of all intelligence and security functions to prevent illegal and subversive activities that could undermine our Constitutional form of government. They also help establish budgets and monitor the effectiveness of our intelligence expenditures that represent a major component of our overall military and security budget. Excellent intelligence and analytical capabilities are essential for the committee members to fulfill their responsibilities.
The role of Intelligence and Security is among the top priority tasks of our government and , therefore, we expect the most intelligent and highly qualified members of the House of Representatives and Senate to be selected by their respective party leaders to their respective Intelligence oversight committees. Every new Congress appoints their committee members and the predominate leadership party hold the chairperson post. The coming 112th Congress that convenes on January 5, 2011. Committee members are being assigned or retained to serve.The committee Chairman are responsible for the selection of their part members and the majority party has a proportionate representation on the committee. The party leaders in each body of Congress validates the Chairman's selections. The American public is dependent upon the selections that the political parties make for our day to day security. Bad selections will mean bad results.
One rather astonishing assignment has already been announced by the Republican Party Chairman whose party will control the new House of Representatives. Congresswomen Michelle Bachmann, a very vocal Republican/Tea Party "anti-government, anti-all-tax" Congresswoman who was reelected in Minnesota, has been appointed to the House of Representatives Intelligence Oversight Committee. After being cleared by the CIA for "Top Secret" clearance, she and all other committee members will have access to the most sensitive and secret information retained by our government, that is used to provide security in this age of unpredictable group terrorism. If Michelle Bachmann is qualified, the Republican Part must explain why.
I cannot say that any one member of the House Intelligence Committee is more or less qualified than Michelle Bachmann for this a Top Secret assignment. During the recent campaign for reelection, however, she aligned herself politically with Sarah Palin and shared her vitriolic and often hateful ant-Obama and ant-government tirades side by side with Palin. Some relevant campaign statements are contained in this link. There are many speeches and quotes that proves her erratic actions and statements disqualifies her for such a responsible, high clearance assignment.
Is Michelle Bachmann qualified to have access to our most highly classified intelligence information and operations? If so, what qualifies her? Does she exhibit sufficient emotional and intellectual stability to be trusted to retain secrecy? Will she use the secrets and intelligence information solely to boost her electability? Does she posses the intelligence and intellect required to participate in decisions pertaining to national security?
Are there not better qualified members of the House, perhaps with intelligence or military experience, who are available in the Republican Party? Who will oversee the oversight committee to monitor the highly erratic and potentially unstable Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann? This confounding selection by the Republican Party hierarchy is a telltale statement against rational thinking in a sector of government where the slightest misstep can be catastrophic. Does her selection foretell the Republican House incompetency in the 112th Congress? Does it represent a potential threat to our security?
Her selection is, in my opinion, atrocious and should be withdrawn by the Republican Party leaders in the House for the safety and security of our country.
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
Saturday, December 18, 2010
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