Sunday, October 09, 2011

The Unlivable Wage Revolution Has Begun

During the last several weeks people from all walks of life who are mostly living as part of the "invisible class" have become visible. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of a true people's revolution aimed at upsetting the great and growing disparity between typical wages and incomes and the top scales of income and wages.The demonstrations that began on Wall Street are now spreading and the message is becoming clear. The protesting voices say simply that they will no longer remain invisible and unheard! They demand economic fairness. During the last 60 years, since the end of WWII we have emerged from a brief livable wage era (from about 1950 to 1970) and relative income parity to what is now an excessively unbalanced income distribution. The very rich have acquired Sheik-like wealth of Arabian oil barons, while the so called "middle class" Americans have seen their share of the "American Dream Pie" shrink to the smallest bite in modern times. At least 81 million American are now either unemployed, working part time while seeking full time employment, working for minimum wage of $7.25/hr, and sunk or sinking into poverty. These 81 million men, women, and children represent nearly 30% of our population. Their voices are generally ignored by many of us, and by most callous politicians who beckon to the call of their special money bag lobbyists and campaign donors. They will be heard loud and clear as their thousands will grow to tens of thousands and then multiply to the millions. Millions more who are one job away from foreclosure and destitution will join the swelling tide of protestors and become unstoppable. Politicians and others who dismiss this popular uprising against unfair economic conditions and unlivable wages will eventually learn that they are part of the minority and they, the politicians, will have to relent. Those of us who have been fortunate to have lived during periods of economic fairness and who now enjoy the benefits will also rally to the support of the "Wall Street Protestors" because we know that the protestors are speaking for all who have worked for a living. Financial institutions and their shenanigans finally were exposed at the expense of typical working American and their families who lost their savings, jobs, and health insurance as part of the present economic recession that mimics the Great Depression of the 1929-1939 period. The path from that Great Depression to now is a history lesson that deserves careful study and analysis. A separate series of articles on the latter subject is in my blog "Twenty-First Century Life on Earth". I for one am jubilant to witness the young and older American to join hands and demonstrate against the economic unfairness that has been the status for the last three decades, and to demand fair wages and incomes for all Americans. Hooray for the "Unlivable Wage Revolution"! Hold on to your seat. It is likely to be a bumpy ride and one that is long overdue.

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