Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tea Party-Republican Deadbeats Rebuke Paying USA Debt

We all must know that when money is borrowed it must be repaid in accordance to our agreements with the lender or we become deadbeats subject to penalties and bankruptcy claims. Today the Republican/Tea Party Congress essentially opposes paying the debts that our country has incurred during the Bush Administration period of 8 year binge spending starting two unfunded wars and an unfunded Medicare prescription benefit. When Bush took office our country had zero incremental debt and a surplus, that was squandered by Republican budgetary negligence. Now the Republican/Tea Party advocates that our country become a deadbeat country and refuse to pay our growing debt. If the individual Republican/Tea Party member is ready to stop paying all their personal debts as a protest against any interest and principle payments due, than at least we might understand their opposition to paying our country's debt. They know if they individually refused to pay their personal debts that they would be subjected to very damaging financial consequences, and possibly be subjected to civil law fines and penalties. Their collective holier than thou arrogance aimed at defeating President Obama and the Democrats serve only their self interest and not the financial trust and well-being of our country.

If the Tea Party/Republican Congress blocks our country's repayment of our debt we will become the leading world deadbeat country, and our country's financial stability will be come sent into a downward spiral. Investors in treasury bonds will bail out and our debt will escalate. Interest rates will skyrocket in our country, as money flows out of USA Treasury bonds into higher interest securities. Stocks and employees savings will decline in value and all individual loans will carry higher interest rates.Inflation will spiral out of control as our dollar is devalued against more stable currency. Social Security and Medicare will be threatened as`will all federal and state government funding. We will begin to sink into a depression that will dwarf the 1930's Depression and unemployment will increase since most of us will have less money and our dollars will lose value.We will be unable to afford things that are beyond necessities. Unemployment will increase every where in our country, and roads and highways we depend upon will further disintegrate as government spending becomes curtailed. Home foreclosures will escalate and homeless will roam the streets unable to find a simple shelter. A Depression of unimaginable magnitude will soon grip our country and the lemming march to self destruction will become a steady march

Do the apparent delusional Republican/Tea Party Congressional members really want our people to suffer the consequences of being a deadbeat country? Or do they really want to change our course and responsibly work to eliminate the past excesses and rationally work with our President to solve rather than exacerbate the financial excesses that now threaten our country's future as the Earth's first Democratic Republic? The course that the Republican/Tea Party is charting will lead us into the perfect storm that will inevitably cause chaos and mass suffering that is unimaginable. The Republican/Tea Party mission is akin to the lemmings'suicidal death march that leads to their hypnotic self destruction. Are the Republican/Tea Party Congressional members following the lemming act? Will rational human intervention succeed in stopping their suicidal behavior? Or will the Republican deadbeats rule the day and lead the charge to self destruction of our Nation? You must take action if you care! Otherwise, ready yourself for the consequences of the Deadbeat Politics of the Republican/Tea Party.


Alan Lawrence said...

Right on. I agree with your analysis. I might then add that this is a bit like causing Americans to be in an airliner and crashing it into a building. It is a disaster. And it is immoral.

Dianne S Wing said...

Well said. I cannot believe that members of the Tea Party (not including the politicians and wealthy) are actually behind this IF they really understand what it means to NOT raise the debt ceiling. How much influence does the Norquist pledge have in this deadlock by republicans? I tend to think republicans are more interested in keeping on Norquist's "good side" than they are in the financial stability of America as a world power...not to mention the people's well being. This is an issue I am exploring...should an elected official hold a pledge to an individual (even though the pledge is to the "constituents", we know better)over his oath of office?

Unknown said...

Thanks Alan--just like lemmings!

Unknown said...

Thanks Dianne, Seem to me that the only pledge that counts is the pledge to uphold our constitution. Since when does a pledge to an outside political individual count more than our constitution?