What do you do when you hear and see the fifteen to thirty second political blurbs that try to get you to vote for their candidate? My wife and I mute the sound,and hoot. We do not care what the commercials claim. Your vote must be based upon facts and principles that are based upon reality not propaganda. Here are specific suggestions to consider before you cast your vote, from my biased viewpoint.
1. If you are committed to the double superlative Republican motto, "The least government is the best government" then vote for no government that is the least, and vote Republican. Accept the consequences. The least of anything is zero or none. Republican seem to believe their frequently acclaimed motto, that no government is best, so take them at their word and vote for change where our taxes for roads are eliminated and roads crumble, school taxes are eliminated and schools decay, water treatment taxes are eliminated and clean drinking water disappears, sewerage inundates our communities, etc., since if the Republicans achieve their goal all taxes will be reduced to zero, government becomes non-existent, and we all fend for ourselves. The "common good" becomes "indifferent neglect" and few if any of our shared community needs will be available. The rich would prosper while the majority of our citizens would be neglected and suffer.
2. If you believe that "government for the people, by the people, and of the people", and that we are guided as our Pledge of Allegiance avows:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all", what choice have you other than vote Democratic.
The Republican/Tea Party candidates universally advocate for "the least government", separation and division, and some even claim that violent armed revolution is "on the table", despite our Constitution's underlying purpose to "form a more perfect union". The Republicans often favor separation from "the Union of States" and dissolution of our Union of States.
The fundamental distinctions between the Democratic and Republican Parties are clear and indisputable. You, a thinking person, are able to understand the facts and vote accordingly. The extremes that I used to describe the distinctions may seem absurd, but they would be the result of "Least Government" that guides the Republican vision and policies.
Fifteen second bits of video and radio propaganda that aim to influence your thinking and capture your vote are valueless and must be ignored. Vote instead for the underlying principles that you support, and your vote will at least reflect your beliefs, not a TV or radio political advertisement.
"Mute" the propaganda and "Hoot" for what you believe after understanding why you believe what you believe. Vote for the politician that you rationally believe will best serve our nation, and your basic needs as a citizen of the United States of America.
Topics will be discussed that involve Wisconsin and world issues related to the environment, politics, and local Door County topics. Many issues are obscured from public scrutiny by the commercial media. Attempts will be made to connect apparently disconnected events, government activities, and political actions to better comprehend what takes place "Behind the Squeaking Door".
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Nice commentary, Zeep.
There is very little useful information in the commercials, or even in the candidates' literature.
I think it would be better to create lengthy and useful campaign literature, and don't bother with the TV/Radio advertising.
Here, here, Dad. I too am not completely satisfied with the "audacity" deficit of the democrat party machine -- i'd prefer more than two choices -- but the republicans seem hellbent on sliding our nation into third world status. Republican administrations have always had a love/envy relationship with billionaire despots like the Shah, Noriega, Pinochet et al, and I really think that is the Rovian (as in Karl) template for power.
So Dems are the only choice, but I'd prefer another party that would be like the Dems with balls.
Great piece, Dad.
Perhaps many "conservative" thinkers are simplistic in their thinking because of an educational system that went wrong and caved in to societal demands to teach sex education rather than American history. Many truly believe that the founding fathers didn't mean "separation of church and state" because those exact words do not appear in the constitution. They don't know that those words DO appear in letters of Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and others who clearly agreed that the success of this democracy depended on no recognition of ANY religion in the public domain. When these conservatives want to "take back our country," they are really dreaming of the society of the 19k50's....before desegregation, civil rights, women's rights....and they do not realize that the federal government protects their own interests. IF they don't want big government, they should burn their Medicare cards, send back their Social Security checks, and send their children to private schools. But no...they will not do that. They are simpletons, and they have plenty of simple-minded leaders running for Congress. Maybe we should consider introducing an intelligence test for all voters....just the basics...like who wrote the Declaration of Independence? cll
Various thoughts: If we had readable info who would read it in this age of imagery and propaganda? Maybe the balls that the Dems lack can be resurrected from some long lost repository in the bouncing ball museum. Finally, any intelligence test including an answer to Craig's question would eliminate most of the eligible voters--probably a good thing!! Thanks to all three of you. z
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