Friday, September 15, 2006


The recent accidental sewerage discharge into Green Bay and Lake Michigan waters that occurred in Sturgeon Bay is single water contamination incident of the type that occurs on a daily basis without the slightest media notice. We are living during the very recent Manmade Toxic Chemical Age, and toxic contaminants are entering our drinking water sources every minute of every day. Unlike the Sturgeon Bay accidental rupturing of a sewer line, the daily sources of contamination that endangers our water supplies are more insidious, and occur below the media radar. Yet they are even more dangerous. I have written a book entitled " A Drinker's Guide To Pure Water--Is Your Water Safe? that has just been published, and is available at your local book stores, and on line. My book describes the drinking water crisis, the water crisis in general, damaging health consequences, and suggest measures that are required to detoxify our most vital resource--WATER.

The purpose of my book is to inform the users of water (who isn't) about the The Manmade Toxic Chemical Age; the causes and consequences. Every one's health is adversely affected by the ongoing toxic contamination of water. Newborn babies are contaminated with manmade toxins as they enter the world. We have allowed our most vital resource to become deadly, and this cannot continue if we value life.

Like Global Warming, The Manmade Toxic Chemical Age represents a threat to the continual survival of life as we now know it. However, toxic water, unlike the gradual warming of the world's climate and its consequences, is a much greater immediate threat that requires action to prevent devastaing consequences. Life forms may adapt to gradual warming over a period of many hundreds or thousands of years. But gradual adaptation to toxic chemicals that harms or destroys life is virtually impossible. It starts taking its toll immediately!

The origin of what I call "The Manamade Toxic Chemical Age" was concurrent with the advent of the Industrial Age, but substantially lagging. Although the Industrial Age picked up a head of steam with James Watts Steam Engine in 1765, it wasn't until approximately 1930 when the first big step to toxic water from a manmade chemical occurred with the development and commercialization of PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls). PCB's now poison water supplies throughout the world, and particularly right in our backyard in Green Bay, Lake Michigan, and the Fox River. Human and wild life has suffered and died from the persistent PCB contamination that still prevails and poisons our water and food.

The advent of The Manmade Toxic Chemical Age came in with a blast with PCB's, dioxin, DDT, and thousands of other manmade toxic chemicals have since been developed and commercialized. We now literally swim in a sea of manamade toxins, and cannot avoid them. The rain and snow from the skies contain manmade toxins, as do the foods we eat that are nourished by (toxic) water. The municipal water supplies and wells that we depend upon for daily water supplies contain manmade toxins as do the rivers, streams, lakes and oceans. Our Tap water flows out with toxins that are injurious to our health. All of this is occuring now!

The sewerage treatment plants, including the ones in Sturgeon Bay, Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, as well as throughout the world discharge toxic effluents into our lake , bays, river, and oceans, that contain toxins that cannot be completely removed from the wastewater using present technology. The municipal sewerage treatment plant located in Green Bay discharges approximately 33 million gallon of toxic effluent into the Bay of Green Bay daily. The total Door County effluent discharges add more than 100,000 gallons of toxic effluent daily into Green Bay Waters. What do you think this does to the beaches located in Door county, let alone the fish and wildlife, and of course we humans who live and depend upon our precious water resources? What do you think this effluent discharge does to aquifers in Door County and everywhere such discharges occur as the watersheds become contaminated as well?

The rampant shoreline developments in Door County are also damaging water quality and endangering our water supplies.The two headed monster of sewage disposal and rampant shoreline and near-shoreline development in Door County is leading our community and many other communities into major water crises. We must awaken to these dangers.

The toxic contamination of municipal waters is evident if you read a Water Quality Report that is usually issued annually by any water utility in the U.S. Read it carefully and, you will see 119 chemical substances, mostly manmade, that are listed as regulated substances. This means that the federal government (EPA/NIH) has established the so called safe Maximum Concentration limit (MCL) for that particular chemical or chemical compound. However the MCL for a particular chemical is based upon the judgement of committees that are composed of industrial, government, and scientific representatives, and they are established by a group compromise, often after many years of debate. Furthermore, the MCL is set as if that particular toxic chemical existed by itself in the water you use. It never does. There always is a toxic cocktail that awaits your lips as you take a sip or swallow of water. Yet the effects of a toxic cocktails on our health have never been ascertained. This Alice in Wonderland approach is wonderful for the industrial contaminators who would rather eliminate all regulations. But the unkown damage to life remains obcsure.

The 119 toxic chemicals that are regulated in our country do not include many hundreds more that are known to exist in water supplies and are known, or expected, to be carcinogenic or damaging to health. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has published a survey that is most informative concerning tap water contaminants in about 20 million homes in the U.S. By the way, water in Wisconsin rated as the second most contaminated in the EWG survey.

We all have a responsibility to avoid the use of toxic chemicals and materials that end up contaminating our water supplies and nature's water. Household pesticides, herbicides, etc. and personal care items, as well as household cleaners, all tend to contaminate water as the waste from them enters ground water and aquifers. We all must minimize and eventually eliminate the use of such toxic substances.

My book, A Drinker's Guide To Pure Water--Is Your Water Safe? is described at my new website, that also may be accessed for water information, purification technology, and other water related subjects, as well as daily news articles from around the world that pertain to water. My book can be ordered from your local book store and from, Barnes & Noble, or from my website. Read my book and form or join a community WAG (Water Action Group). Do something to help restore water as nature, not man, intended. All life, including ours, can benefit from our actions.

Several events are planned locally at which I will discuss my book and sign copies. Those currently scheduled are as follows:

Wednesday, September 27 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Book release party and signing by author Zalman Saperstein
Compass Coffeehouse, Top of the Hill Shops 18-B, Fish Creek,
phone: 920.473.4028

Saturday, September 30 from 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Book discussion and signing by author Zalman Saperstein
Espresso Lane, 8037 State Hwy. 57, Baileys Harbor,
phone: 920.839.2647

Saturday, October 21 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Book discussion and signing by author Zalman Saperstein
The Bridge, 7881 State Hwy. 42, Egg Harbor,
phone: 920.868.4142

Sunday, November 19 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Book discussion and signing by author Zalman Saperstein
Blue Horse Bistro & Espresso 4158 Main Street Fish Creek,WI
phone: 920.868.1417


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