Thursday, March 30, 2006

Gov. Doyle Supports Wisconsin's Environment and Recreational Lands

Governor Doyle made a very noteworthy environmental announcement yesterday, March 29, 2006, that sets him apart from most politicians. It particularly differentiates him from Congressman Mark Green who wants to become our Governor and from John Gard who seeks the 8th district Congressional seat. Both Green and Gard have consistently opposed environmental causes in Congress and our state assembly, respectively. John Gard has made the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources his favorite whipping boy and has Door County's Garey Bies, Assemblyman representing District 1, as his alter ego in opposition to most environmental regulations in Wisconsin. If Green and Gard were elected to the respective offices they are seeking, we can expect an assault against environmental regulations that would impede all environmental improvements and further endanger our state's recreational lands as well as our air and water quality.

Governor Doyle announced a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, International Paper Corporation, Conservation Forestry L.L.C., and Forest Investment Associates to create " The Wild Rivers Legacy Forest" that will protect working forests for public recreational access, the sustenance of wildlife, and the protection of water quality. Approximately 69,000 acres will be purchased for about 84 million dollars.Over 59,000 acres of this forest will be open to the public for recreation and preservation. The balance will be used for sustainable forestry that provides needed jobs and resources. The funding for this environmental success story is provided from a combination of private and state money from the organizations listed above, and Wisconsin's Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund that was established to help preserve Wisconsin forests, lakes, rivers and open lands for the public benefit.
Assembly John Gard has consistently voiced his opposition to this fund and its purpose. The buddy, buddy relationship between Gard and Green should be a warning to Wisconsinites that they would oppose such public lands for the people, and instead favor commercial development.

The Wild Legacy Forest will encompass more than 75 miles of rivers, 48 lakes and ponds, and forest habitat for all types of wildlife some rare species. Approximately 15% of the forest land will remain as a working sustainable forest for the harvest of hardwoods.

We are very fortunate that Governor Doyle supported this purchase by our state and others, and he deserves our thanks and our vote in the coming election for acting on behalf of an environmentally sustainable Wisconsin. Thank you Governor Doyle.


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